Bernd's Homepage

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Biographical Information 
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Biographical Information
That's me at Lake Garda.


Easter vacation 1997 in André Heller's Botanical Gardens at Lake Garda, Italy
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1963 Graduation
1966 - 1977 Public school teacher
1974 Became hard of hearing in London through an IRA-bomb
1978 - 1980
Retraining at University of Hamburg in education of the deaf, hard of hearing and in speech pathology
Visited Gallaudet College in Washington, D.C. with colleagues to prepare interpreter training in Hamburg, introduced the terms Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS) and Lautsprachbegleitende Gebärden (LBG),(German Sign Language and Speech-Accompanied Signing)
Active in BHSA, the German Association of Deaf Students
1982 - 1994
Teacher of the deaf at the school for the deaf in Bremen, see the photos of my last classes
Arranged class trips to Groningen/Holland, Washington, D.C. and Edinburgh/Scotland
Since 1995
in early retirement
Received Culture Award from German Association of the Deaf
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My personal interests

They are still the best!
Well, you cannot avoid them!
Education of the deaf:
Being hard of hearing forces me never to leave this field.
Deaf Studies:
They are tremendously important for deaf kids, but, alas, are actually non-existent in German education of the deaf.
Sign Language:
It is recognized as crucial for communication and education for deaf people - except by "specialists".
Educational software:
It offers unknown chances, especially to deaf children.
Computer-based communication:
It helps deaf people overcome communication barriers.
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Current Projects

Webmaster of ""

Article series "(Computer-) Power to the Deaf!" in "hörgeschädigte kinder", a magazine for parents of hearing impaired children

Lead a seminar in educational use of computers at University of Hamburg for students in education of the deaf, see our seminar project Nili, the hippopotamus

Last but not least: houseman and father of two sons (10 and 14)

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I can be contacted at:


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Fax: +49-4251-7406

Tel.: +49-4251-7410

SMS: +49-0171-7432483

ICQ-UIN: 1152654